Copying a Dues Basis Schedule

When it is time to increase rates for the next year, you will add a new price date and select Dues Schedule to link to the correct dues schedule from last year. When the Basis Dues Schedule Chooser screen appears, click the Copy Dues Schedule button. A duplicate of last year’s schedule will be created giving you the opportunity to change the range and price options.

To copy a dues basis schedule:

1.    From the Rates and Pricing screen, in the Pricing Detail section, select the Price Membership by Schedule checkbox.
The Schedule link becomes enabled.

2.    Click the Schedule link.
The Basis Dues Schedule Chooser is displayed.

3.    Search for and highlight the last year’s schedule.

4.    Click Copy Dues Schedule.
The Basis Dues Structure screen is displayed.

5.    Change the Min Basis, Max Basis, and Full Dues, as necessary.

6.    Click Save.