Accessing the Communication Launch Screen

The Communications Launch screen can be accessed by selecting Marketing & Communication > Communication Launch from the toolbar.



The Communication Launch diagram is interactive. If you click the icons, the appropriate screens display. Instructions on using the Communication-specific screens are located in this section, as well as external documents:

Communication Lists

·            Define Marketing List

·            Map List to Personify360

·            Manage List Details

·            Define Email Message Template

·            Generate Communication to List Members

Communication Activities

·            Contact Tracking

·            Maintain Communication Contact Info

·            Maintain Address Information

·            Maintain Communication Preferences

·            Maintain Opt-In Interest Areas

·            View System Notifications


·            Define System Types and Codes

·            Define System Notification Message


·            Manage Households

·            Manage Constituents

See Also:

·            Marketing Overview

·            Accessing the Marketing Launch Screen

·            System Types and Codes