Lockbox Overview

Lockbox processing refers to payments received via an electronic lockbox file. Typically, you will work with the bank to build a file appropriate for Personify360. Any other method, such as payments directed to a PO box or picked up by a bank, is not considered lockbox processing.


There are three lockbox steps that need to be performed only once:

1.    Set up parameters using the LCK000 screen. Here you define which conditions should create errors and other rules.

2.    Set up file mapping using the LCK001A screen. Here you indicate which fields on the bank file match which Personify360 fields. File mapping can be for a single flat “detail” file or for a “complex” file with header and/or footer data.

3.    Set up Bank Receipt Type Mapping using the LCK001B screen. Here you would take bank receipt types that do not match with what is available in Personify360 and convert them into a recognizable form.


There are three lockbox steps that are performed daily:

1.    Run LCK100 in LIST mode. This process uploads data from the bank’s file into Personify360 temporary holding tables.

2.    Complete the Processing and Error Correction (LCK001) screen steps. The lockbox batch can be created in advance or automatically by Personify360, where the name is based on the file provided or automatically generated by Personify. LCK100 will already have tried to match receipts with orders in Personify360 based on parameters set up for lockbox files. Errors need to be addressed before the file can be posted. Some corrections can be entered directly into the screen and then validated. If correction is not possible, delete the receipt (it can be manually entered later when the proper order is identified).

3.    Run LCK100 in POST mode. Receipt transactions will be generated in the batch that was created by LCK100 in LIST mode. Receipts can be reviewed on the Batch Control screen.

The process will fail if it contains errors.