Updating Multiple Products' Free Shipping Eligibility

So that product managers do not have to manually set the Eligible for Free Shipping flag for each product, the Free Shipping Update screen allows your organization to set the value for sets of products based on product class and/or price and/or product ID.  

To update multiple products' free-shipping eligibility:

1.    Using the Inventory Manager persona, from the Personify360 main toolbar, select Products > Inventoried Products > Update Free-Shipping Eligibility.
Alternatively, open any inventoried product in Product Maintenance and click Update Free Shipping for Products from the Related Tasks task category.
The Free Shipping Update screen displays, as shown below.

2.    To update all products, check the Update All INV Products checkbox. Otherwise, perform one or more of the following:

a.    To update products based on price, enter the For Products With a Minimum Price >= to amount.
This searches against Product_Pricing. PRICE for products with a minimum price >= specified price where PRICE_BEGIN_DATE <= current date and (PRICE_END_DATE is null or PRICE_END_DATE > current date).

b.    To update products based on product classes, in the For Products With These Product Class(es) section, check the checkbox next to the appropriate INV product class(es). If necessary, click the Select All link to select all INV product classes.

c.    To update products based on product ID, enter the For Products With Product Id Between/and value(s).
This searches against Product.PRODUCT_ID for products belonging to the ORG_ID, ORG_UNIT_ID of the logged in user; the value entered here is the beginning PRODUCT_ID in the range of PRODUCT_ID values to be selected. If only a beginning PRODUCT_ID is entered, all products with a PRODUCT_ID >= user-specified PRODUCT_ID will be selected for update.

3.    To enable products to be eligible for free shipping, select "Yes" from the Set Eligible For Free Shipping to drop-down.
Alternatively, to remove eligibility for free shipping, select "No" from the Set Eligible For Free Shipping to drop-down.

4.    If necessary, click Test to get a count of the number of products that will be updated based on the criteria selected.

5.    Click Update Products.
This updates all products that are not cancelled or expired to what has been selected. INV products that are active or discontinued are updated.

To see a video demonstration, please see Video Demo: Setting Up Free Shipping and Viewing the Setup on the Web.