INV1325 - Free Shipping Revenue Analysis

As of 7.5.2, this report is intended to generate information about revenue that would have been generated from shipping fees had the organization not given free shipping to customers. The expectation is that the report will be run on a monthly basis. The organization can use the data from the report to create journal entries to record shipping revenue offset by the free-shipping expense.


The report is generated based on invoice date, and is grouped either by free-shipping ID, which might also include a market code or coupon code, or by product class. The purpose of groupings is to provide subtotals so that the organization can create journal entries to debit the appropriate expense account and credit shipping revenue. Free shipping campaigns may be associated with specific departments with promotion budgets to which the organization may want to allocate the free shipping expense. Alternatively, if an organization has a large product catalog with many different types of products (e.g., books, apparel, training webinars on DVD), departments may be organized by type of product, with each department having their own budget.

Sample Report