Defining Ship Via Code Mapping

The information contained by this tab also works in conjunction with the INV610 process. Since the Ship Via codes used by a third-party shipping vendor will not necessarily match those used by Personify360, a mapping structure is needed. For example, the Ship Via Code in the file from FedEx may be “FX”, instead of the Personify360 defined code of “FEDEX”.

For more information on the INV60 batch process, see INV610 – Shipping Import Process.

To enter ship via code mapping:

1.    On the Warehouse Definition screen, click the Ship Via Code Mapping tab.
The ShipVia Mapping Information screen displays, as shown below.

2.    Click Add.
A new record is added to the grid below and the fields in the Ship Via Mapping Details section become enabled.

3.    Select the Personify Ship Via Code from the drop-down.
This is the shipping method recognized by the system that you are mapping the vendor’s shipping code to.

4.    Enter the Vendor Ship Via Code.
This is the vendor’s shipping method code, which will then be mapped to the Personify360 shipping method code, defined above.

5.    Click Save.