Additional Information - Register Someone Else Workflow

This step functions differently based on the workflow. This section below is specific to the Register Someone Else workflow. For more information on this step specific to the Register Myself Workflow, please see the Additional Information - Register Myself Workflow section.

The Additional Information portion of the Meeting Registration workflow can be two steps: (1) badges, paid guests, and related products, and (2) product questionnaire.


If defined in the back office, the following information will display in the first page of the Additional Information step:

·            Badge Information

·            Paid Guests

·            Related Products


If defined in the back office, the following information will display on the second page of the Additional Information step:

·            Meeting Questionnaire

As a best practice, if you are using the Register Someone Else workflow for a meeting, it is NOT recommended that you check the Display Special Needs Control and Display Emergency Contact checkboxes on the eBusiness Control screen in Product Maintenance. If these checkboxes are checked, the registrant(s) emergency contacts and special needs will display as part of the Additional Information step. However, some registrants may not want an other individual to have access to their emergency contacts and special needs information. Rather, using the Meeting Order Created notification, you can send the individual an email with a link so that he/she can update his/her emergency contacts and special needs.

Badge Information

Badge information can be a component of the Additional Information step in the meeting registration workflow. If the web user is registering someone else (as opposed to registering himself/herself), the badge fields will be populated with the selected registrant's information, NOT the logged in web user, as displayed below. For more information, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Additional Information Step.

The badge is created in the ORDER_DETAIL_BADGE table for the meeting product order line.  

Paid Guests

Paid guests can be a component of the Additional Information step in the meeting registration workflow, if a meeting has been defined to allow additional paid badges in the back office, as displayed below. The web user can select the number of additional tickets to purchase from the drop-down (he/she may only select up to five additional tickets), then enter badge information for the guests, as displayed below. The price will be added to the registrant's final price at checkout. Please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Additional Information Step for more information.

The guest badge is created in the ORDER_DETAIL_BADGE table for the meeting product order line.  

Related Items

If related products are associated with a meeting product, they can be added to the registration during the Additional Information step of the meeting registration workflow. Web users can view information about a product, specify umbrella product components, and update the quantity before adding a product to the registration, as displayed below. For more information about adding related products to a meeting, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Additional Information Step.

The title of this section and the description that displays below the title is defined in the web settings. For more information, please see Configuring the Web Settings for the Meeting Registration Control.


A questionnaire can be a component of the Additional Information step in the meeting registration workflow, if it has been defined for the meeting in the back office. A web user can answer a number of different question types, as displayed below. For more information, please see Configuring the Back Office Settings for the Additional Information Step.

You should limit the number of required questions if Register Someone Else functionality is enabled, because web users registering other individuals may not have sufficient information on how to answer some questions (e.g., meal preference, golf handicap, allergies, etc.). Rather, using the Meeting Order Created notification, you can send the individual an email with a link so that he/she can provide you with this information. Additionally, it is not appropriate to set questions as "Required" for events where Register Someone Else is enabled, because the web user registering other people may not know the answers to personal questions (e.g., allergies, food preferences, etc.).  

If a new question is added to the product questionnaire after customers have already completed their meeting registration, if the customer returns to view his/her meeting registration on the web, the system will prompt the customer to answer the new question(s) if the question is required.

After a web user enters all the additional information components you have set up for your meeting, he/she can click Next to review their registration before paying.