Web users can navigate to the Attendees List page from the left navigation panel on the Meeting Detail control. This page is a component of the Meeting Detail control, but may be added to a page independently, as a separate control. For information on adding the Attendees List control to a page on the web, see Configuring the Web Settings for the Attendees List control.
The Attendees List page allows web users to view all attendees for an event. This page displays a listing of the attendees in alphabetical order, with additional information such as the attendee's title and company. Web users can search for attendees by entering search criteria in the search field, or selecting a letter at the top of the list to filter by. The criteria for the stored procedure that selects the registrants for a given meeting are that the customer is the ship-to customer on the order for the product ID of the meeting, the order line status code is Active, and the customer has a primary address. Only logged in web users who have registered for the selected meeting will be able to view the Attendees List. No other back office set up is required for this control.
will NOT display in the Attendees List if the Include
Profile in Web/Mobile Directory checkbox is UNchecked on the Name
Details screen.