My Account Contact Email Control Overview

The My Account Contact Email control displays the logged in web user's primary phone, email, and web communication records. This information can also be added by staff on the Contact Information screen in CRM360®.


See Configuring the Web Settings for the My Account Contact Email Control for more information on how to drop this control onto a page on your e-Business website.


Before configuring web settings for the My Account Contact Email control, it is important that your back office configurations are accurate. If not, these configurations will not display properly on your e-Business website. See Configuring the Back Office Settings for the My Account Contact Email Control for more information on the system types and codes that need to be web enabled before setting up this control.

Customer Impact

After setting up the My Account Contact Email control, your web users will see the control similar to the one displayed below.


If the web user clicks the Edit link, the Edit Contact Information screen displays, as shown below. Please note that ONLY the communication methods that have already been defined will display.

If your web user tries to update his/her primary email address on the web, the system will check to see if that email address is being used by another other web users. If the email address is taken, an error message will display and the user cannot update the email address. If the email address is not taken AND if the web user's primary email address is ALSO being used as their web username, the system will automatically changed the web user's web username to the new primary email address. For example, if John Smith's web username and primary email address is, and he marks his non-primary email address of as primary, John Smith's new web username will be