Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Profile .NET Controls

1.    Question: Why are my constituents seeing multiple years of membership renewals?
Answer: You should run the ORD500 batch process. This process will remove expired membership renewals.

2.    Question: We have members around the world who use different currencies, what will their donations amounts look like?
Answer: If you support multi-currency, as a best practice, it is highly recommended to set up your suggested donation amounts in the various currencies that you anticipate. Otherwise, someone logging in with a preference, for example, of Yen, may see a bizarre conversion from USD.

3.    Question: How do I change the default date/time format from US to display a different country's global date/time format on the e-Business website?
Answer: If you want to change the default date/time format to a different country's date/time format, this setting has to be updated in the web.config file:


<add key="DefaultCulture" value="en-US"/>

If this key is not changed, the default date/time format will display according to US standards.

4.    Question: What browser mode should be used for Internet Explorer?
Answer: When using Internet Explorer 9, your browser should be set to Internet Explorer 9, not Internet Explorer 9 Compatibility View, as highlighted below.

When using Internet Explorer 8, the "Compatibility View" mode should not be selected, as highlighted below.

5.    Question: Why is a system type and code is not displaying on my webpage even though I web-enabled it in the back office?
Answer: The data is cached in the Data Services, so changing the back office settings will not change what is displayed on the control automatically. The Data Services cache needs to be cleared in order to reflect the back office configurations. The best way to clear the cache is do an Application Pool reset on the Data Services, which will be located on the server. In order to reflect the most recent back office configurations, the cache will need to be cleared after each push. It is also possible to set a value in the configuration file to clear the cache every [number] of minutes. By default, the site cache will automatically clear when the site is idle for thirty minutes and this typically occurs overnight. See Setting up Online Store and App Data Cache for more information.

6.    Question: Why are expired subscriptions displaying on my constituent's My Subscription control?
Answer: All subscriptions will display until the clean-up process ORD500-Expired Order Cleanup Process is run even if the subscription is expired. See Expired Order Cleanup process for more information. The only exception is member subscription benefits. Once it has expired, it will not display on this control even if you did not run the ORD500 batch process.

7.    Question: How do I modify the controls by adding or removing fields, changing labels, etc.?
Answer: Visual Studio must be used to add or remove fields, change labels, etc. for the controls. None of the aesthetic changes are done in the back office.

8.    Question: Do all browsers support the print preview feature?
Answer: No, print preview is unable to be viewed in Firefox. The document will go directly to the printer. This is a functionality of the browser and not the control.  

9.    Question: Is there limit or best practices with regards to the number of files that can be tied to a ECD/DCD product on the web?
Answer:  There is no limit to the number of files that can be setup for an ECD/DCD product.