Username and Password Control Overview

The Username and Password control allows a logged in web user to update his/her username and password information. The web user name can be his/her email address, name, etc.


See Configuring the Web Settings for the Username and Password Control for more information on how to drop this control onto a page on your e-Business website. The Password and Username control does not require any additional back office configuration. All data displayed in this control is based off your user information. 

Customer Impact

After configuring the Username and Password control, your web users will see the page similar to the one highlighted below.

When the web user clicks the Change Username link, the Username and Password screen displays, as shown below. The web user needs to click the Check link before he/she is able to save his/her new username to validate that the username does not already exist in your system.


If the username already exist in your system, the error message displays, as highlighted below.

If the web user enters an email address as his/her username, the Set as Main Email Address checkbox displays, as highlighted below. If checked and your web user does NOT have a primary email address record, your web user's primary email address is updated.

When the user clicks the Change Password link, the Username and Password screen displays as shown below.