Reports for Group Management

The reports for group management are useful because it allows a group manager to view the historical records about group members and their activities within an organization.


In order for a group manager to be able to view/run reports on the web, a system administrator would have to perform the following:

1.    Deploy the base Group Management reports in the BusinessObjects server and on the web. See Logic Behind the Report Control for more information.

2.    Create a page. See Creating a Page for more information.

3.    Drop the Report control on that page. See Adding a .NET Control for more information.

4.    Configure the Report control for one of the following desired base Group Management reports:

·            Past Employee Roster - CSM1001

·            Individual Activity Profile - CSM1002

·            Group Activity Profile- CSM1003

·            Past Committee Member Roster- CSM1006

·            Chapter Members Nearing Expiration -MBR1012

·            National Members Nearing Expiration - MBR1013

·            New Chapter Members -MBR1014

·            Officers- MBR1015

·            Analysis of Chapter Health - MBR1016

5.    Make sure the user has been logged into Data Analyzer and that the password is synced between the Data Analyzer and the web. See the Installation Guide BusinessObjects Upgrade Step 5: Verifying Business Objects Reports will Display on the web for more information.

6.    Test and review the report as a group manager on your website.

The reports can be in any public folder as long as the user running the report has access to that location.

Logic Behind the Report Control

The Report control allows any authenticated user to run any Crystal or Webi report, which has been deployed in the BusinessObjects server, on the web. See BusinessObjects Installation for more information.

You MUST have a proper named user license in order to be able to view the report(s) online.

Chrome is NOT supported by Business Objects at this time.

In addition, this control uses the service operation "GetOnlineReportGenerateURL" from data services. The control uses this URL, which connects to the BusinessObjects server, to open or render the report in the current page. Through the service operation "GetOnlineReportGenerateURL", data services generate the URL. You need to provide certain settings either that come from query strings, web, or both. See Personify Data Services for more information.


The following is the order that the parameters are processed:

·            Query String:
All the parameters, which are key and value pairs, received through the query string will be sent to data service to generate the report URL. You can exclude unnecessary parameters using the "Parameters to Exclude field" field in the web control settings.

·            Web Control Settings:
Additional report parameters can be set up here and you can configure up to 15. You can also override the values of the query string using these parameters.

·            The parameter values configured in the web control settings get evaluated prior to a call to data service, if they contain evaluated expression.


For example, if you wanted to run a report for January expenses, you would set the parameter values to be the following:

·            In the Param 01: Key field, enter "Month".

·            In the Param 01: Value field, enter " January".

·            In the Param 02: Key field, enter "Year".

·            In the Param 02: Value field, enter "1992".

·            In the Parameters to Exclude field, enter "Week, Day".
Please note that this field is optional. It is used to exclude query parameter keys, which are not required to generate the URL.

·            In the Report Name Value field, enter "ExpenseReport". This is based on the report deployed.


Every parameter is a pair of key and value. The values can be variables too. Currently, Personify supports the following four variables:

·            $ContextMcid$
Master Customer ID

·            $ContextScid$
Master Subcustomer ID

·            $ContextOrgID$
Org ID

·            $ContextOrgUnitID$
Org Unit ID


You do not have to necessarily use these values; if you do, these NEED to be entered in the Param [Number] Value fields. When the web user runs the report, the system calls BusinessObjects, and these values are passed to through BusinessObjects, which generates the final URL that contains the report. In addition, any value that is prefixed with "pb_" and a property bag name is automatically computed from Property Bag. See Property Bag for more information.


If any required parameter of the report is missing, the web user will be prompted by the Crystal or Webi report to select the missing parameters. The web user must enter the missing values to run the report. This is standard Crystal/Webi framework functionality. If you provide ALL the required parameters, when the web user navigates to the page that contains this control, the Report control would automatically call data services, generate a new URL, and render the PDF. It may be useful to leave parameters empty so that a logged in web user can enter his/her own parameters for a report. For example, a group manager might want to run a report on the web to see how many group members are attending the annual conference and a particular session at the conference. The empty parameters let the group manager enter his/her query and return results that meet the defined criteria. If the parameters were predefined, the group manager would not be able to run a report with the specific criteria, rather the report would be automatically generated.  

You can default all the possible parameters, but base reports do not require a group manager to enter fields before running the report.

In order to create additional Webi or Crystal reports, you should know the report name as defined in Business Objects and the report parameters. In addition, you should have a thorough understanding of the Crystal or Webi report parameters, because these are the parameters the control uses to call BusinessObjects to render the report. Some examples of reports you may wish to develop include the following: list of registrants for upcoming meeting(s), count of new members month over month (to show trends), or chapter engagement. See BusinessObjects for more information.

Analytical Options

·            Webi HTML reports opens on the same page (i.e., Analysis of Chapter Health - MBR1011 )

·            Webi PDF reports opens on a separate page (e.g., Officers- MBR1015)

·            Crystal reports opens on a separate page (e.g., Past Employee Roster - CSM1001 )

Reports Delivered with Base

As of 7.5.0, the following reports for Corporate and Staff Management are part of base for this control:

·            Past Employee Roster - CSM1001

·            Individual Activity Profile - CSM1002

·            Group Activity Profile- CSM1003


As of 7.5.1, the following reports for Committee Management are part of base for this control:

·            Past Committee Member Roster- CSM1006


As of 7.5.2, the following reports for Chapter Management are part of base for this control:

·            Chapter Members Nearing Expiration -MBR1012

·            National Members Nearing Expiration - MBR1013

·            New Chapter Members -MBR1014

·            Officers- MBR1015

·            Analysis of Chapter Health - MBR1016

See Also:

·            Overview: Report Control

·            Configuring the Web Settings for the Report Control