Meta keywords are a specific type of meta tag that appear in the HTML code of a web page and help tell search engines what the topic of the page is. Meta keywords are distinguished from regular keywords because they appear “behind the scenes,” in the source code of your page, rather than on the live, visible page itself.
As of 7.6.1, when you access the Search Engine Optimization settings on the Product Maintenance screen for a product, you will have the ability to define a value to populate the metadata Keywords Content. For more information, please see User Defined On-Page Factors.
field is not required.
If you define a value for the metadata Keywords Content of the product, when the page with the Product Detail or Meeting Detail .NET web control is loaded in a browser, the defined value is included in the Head of the page HTML.
If you do not define a value for the metadata Keywords Content, when the page with the Product Detail or Meeting Detail control is loaded in a browser, the derived value defined as the Keywords Metadata Format parameter in the control settings for the Product Detail or Meeting Detail control will be included in the Head of the page HTML.
more information on defining the Keywords Metadata Format, please see
Derived On-Page Factors.
If you do not define a value for the metadata Keywords Content and a derived value is not defined within the Keywords Metadata Format parameter for the Product Detail or Meeting Detail control, when the page with the Product Detail or Meeting Detail control is loaded in a browser, no keywords will be included in the Head of the page HTML.