Member Directory Control Overview

The Member Directory control allows web users to search through a predefined directory of members. This control provides a free text search, as well as advanced search options (if defined) for web users that do not have an exact name in mind to find someone based on other criteria.


The free text and advanced search options display simultaneously and work together. For example, someone may wish to search for a combination of name (“I remember her name is Julie”) and advanced filter choices (“I think her specialty was Law or Human Rights”). When the search runs, all of the fields (free text and those mapped to advanced filters) will be searched. Such a search is conducted with the ‘AND’ operator between fields (e.g., free text matches to ‘Julie’ AND either ‘Law’ OR ‘Human Rights’ codes.) The sequence of results for most searches is customer last name. If a location search was used, results are sequenced by distance (nearest to furthest). If no results are found, the system will display the No ‘Free Text’ Results Message defined in the back office.


A threshold for the number of results a user can obtain from a search will be respected. The threshold is intended to prevent spamming and other undesirable consequences of sharing constituent data. The search will not fail if more than 300 records are found; it will only show the first 300 results. This threshold is defined in the back office.

Customer Impact

After configuring the necessary back office and web settings for this control, web users will see an online member directory similar to what is displayed below.


If configured to display advanced search options, the web user can click More Search Options to display additional search parameters, as shown below.


When the web user submits the search, the search results display along with the information configured to display (e.g., LABEL_NAME), as shown below. Please note that the number of search results that display is configured in the web settings.