Using Your CMS Platform

A content management system (CMS) enables you to create, deploy, and manage your Personify360 e-Business website. The CMS platform you select will allow you to use the controls from Personify360 and design an e-Business site to effectively manage your business needs and the needs of your web users. While we use DNN as our CMS here at Personify, Inc., we are working to build CMS connectors to allow organizations with other CMS platforms to work with our new .NET web controls. Currently, our .NET web controls are compatible with the following CMS platforms:

·            DNN

·            Ektron

·            Sitecore

·            SharePoint

Please refer to the Content Management System (CMS) Connector Support to see which CMS connectors will work best with your e-Business site. Please note that not ALL CMS connectors are compatible with ALL versions of Personify360.

See Also:

·            Overview: CMS Connectors

·            Which CMS Connector Should You Use?