What is Merged

In addition to any orders and associated financial transactions redirected to the retained customer, addresses and phone numbers can also be moved from the merged customer to the retained customer if those values are null/blank in the retained customer’s record. For example, if the retained customer has no email information and the merged customer does, the email information is passed to the retained customer.

As of 7.4.2, when a customer with volunteer information is merged with a customer without volunteer information, the system copies all the volunteer records not existing in retained customer and exists in duplicate customer and then update/delete the reference. Then, the system removes the common volunteer records from duplicate the customer.

On a table-by-table basis, you can merge or delete a table. Merging a table updates the data to point to the retained customer record. Deleting a table removes the data. When a merge cannot be performed due to duplication of key database constraints, the offending customer records are skipped to be reviewed later.

See also:

·            Duplicate Customers Overview

·            Preventing Duplicate Customers

·            What is Not Merged

·            Identifying Potential Duplicate Customers

·            Soundex vs. Phonetic

·            Duplicate Customers on the Web