Viewing a Constituent's Spending in CRM360®

The Overview section of the CRM360 screen displays a constituent's year to date and past [n] years spending, as highlighted below.

As of 7.6.0, you can turn off the calculation of constituents' spending by setting the CUS CALCULATE_CRM360_SPENDING application parameter to "N". By default, this parameter is set to "Y".

YTD Calculation

For fiscal year spending, the system sums Order_Detail.BASE_TOTAL_AMOUNT of active order lines where the customer is the ship-to customer on the order line and Order_Detail.FULFILL_STATUS_CODE is not D or S for all subsystem orders belonging to org unit of logged in user, except FND order lines, where Order_Detail. ORDER_DATE falls within the fiscal year as defined by the CUS CRM360_YTD_START_MONTH application parameter.


Spending for FND CASH order lines is calculated using the same logic defined above except that the customer must be the bill-to customer on the order.

Spending for FND pledges is calculated for customers where the customer is the bill-to on the FND PLEDGE order line, but how the spending is calculated is based on App_Org_Unit.PLEDGE_CREDIT_CODE for the org unit of the logged in user. If App_Org_Unit.PLEDGE_CREDIT_CODE = ‘ORDCREATION’ then pledge spending is calculated by summing Order_Detail.BASE_TOTAL_AMOUNT of active order lines where Order_Detail. ORDER_DATE falls within the fiscal year as defined by the CUS CRM360_YTD_START_MONTH application parameter. If App_Org_Unit.PLEDGE_CREDIT_CODE = ‘PAYMENT’ then pledge spending is calculated by summing Far_Txn.BASE_ AMOUNT of Far_Txn records linked to active FND pledge Order_Detail order lines where Far_Txn.TXN_DATE falls within the fiscal year as defined by the CUS CRM360_YTD_START_MONTH application parameter and Far_Txn.TXN_TYPE_CODE in (‘1’,’2’,’3’).


Note that if a FND pledge is a multi-year pledge (based on Order_Payment_Schedule. DUE_DATE) and the App_Org_Unit. PLEDGE_SPENDING_CODE = ‘ORDCREATION’, spending amount is included in YTD calculation in the year pledge will be paid.

Past [n] Years Calculation

To calculate total of spending [n] years back, the system sums Order_Detail.BASE_TOTAL_AMOUNT of active order lines where the customer is the ship-to customer on the order line and Order_Detail.FULFILL_STATUS_CODE is not D or S for all subsystem orders belonging to org unit of logged in user, except FND pledges, where Order_Detail. ORDER_DATE falls within the time period from January 1 of (the current year minus the number of years defined by the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) through the current date.


Spending for FND CASH order lines is calculated using the same logic defined above except that the customer must be the bill-to customer on the order.

Spending for pledges is calculated for customers where the customer is the bill-to on the FND PLEDGE order line, but how the spending is calculated is based on App_Org_Unit.PLEDGE_CREDIT_CODE for the org unit of the logged in user. If App_Org_Unit.PLEDGE_CREDIT_CODE = ‘ORDCREATION’ then pledge spending is calculated by summing Order_Detail.BASE_TOTAL_AMOUNT of active FND PLEDGE order lines where Order_Detail. ORDER_DATE falls within the time period from January 1 of (the current year minus the number of years defined the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) through the current date. If App_Org_Unit.PLEDGE_CREDIT_CODE = ‘PAYMENT’ then pledge spending is calculated by summing Far_Txn.BASE_ AMOUNT of Far_Txn records linked to active FND pledge Order_Detail order lines where Far_Txn.TXN_DATE falls within the time period from January 1 of (the current year minus the number of years defined in the CUS CRM360_OVERVIEW_YEARS application parameter) through the current date and Far_Txn.TXN_TYPE_CODE in (‘1’,’2’,’3’).


Note that if a FND pledge is a multi-year pledge (based on Order_Payment_Schedule. DUE_DATE) and the App_Org_Unit. PLEDGE_SPENDING_CODE = ‘ORDCREATION’, spending amount is included in YTD calculation in the year pledge will be paid.

These amounts are updated by the usp_ConstituentOverview_LifetimeTans stored procedure.