Viewing a Constituent's Balance Due in CRM360®

The Overview section of the CRM360 screen displays a constituent's current balance due, total invoiced balance due, and proforma balance due, as highlighted below. Click this link to open the Receipt Entry screen filtered for receipts for the current constituent. Please note that if you do not already have a batch open, the system will prompt you to open an existing batch.

As of 7.6.0, you can turn off the calculation of constituents' balance due by setting the CUS CALCULATE_CRM360_BALANCE application parameter to "N". By default, this parameter is set to "Y".


The first number indicates the total balance due (as described below) minus Type 9 deferred payments. As of 7.5.2, this value included cancelled orders in which a balance is still due. The current balance due is updated by the usp_ConstituentOverview_CurrentBalance stored procedure.

Total Inv.

The second number indicates the sum of Type 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 transaction types (receipt, voucher, transfer, sales, write-off, and adjustment) on active, invoiced order lines where the customer is the bill-to customer, regardless of the payor. This number does NOT include proforma orders (including renewals). The total balance due is updated by the usp_ConstituentOverview_TotalBalance stored procedure.

The balance due can be a negative amount (credit).


As of 7.5.0, the third number indicates the total balance due on proforma orders. The proforma balance due is updated by the usp_ConstituentOverview_CurrentBalance stored procedure.