Engagement Scoring File Groups

New file groups ENGAGEMENT_SCORING_DATA and ENGAGEMENT_SCORING_INDEX were created to help improve the performance of engagement scoring and reduce the effects engagement scoring was having on other areas of Personify. Tables used in computing and storing engagement scoring data are located on the ENGAGEMENT_SCORING_DATA file group and their associated indexes are stored on the ENGAGEMENT_SCORING_INDEX file group.

Before beginning the upgrade from any version of Personify360 to Personify360 version 7.6.0, a system administrator or database administrator will need to open and manually execute the file named “Create Engagement Score File Groups.sql”, which can be found in the installation package under the database scripts folder, in a sub-folder called “To be manually run before upgrade to 7.6.0”. This script must be run manually and not as part of the database upgrade command batch file, as this script performs "ALTER DATABASE" DDL commands and the "ALTER DATABASE" command requires that the name of the database to be altered be provided as part of the actual script. As such, the administrator must open this script and select the appropriate database to be altered in the drop-down list. In addition to selecting the proper database, there are two variables in the script @DATAFILEPATH and @INDEXFILEPATH that must have their values changed to point to a valid file system location where the new files that make up the new engagement scoring file groups will be placed.

Once these steps have been completed, the administrator will execute this script and check to see if the script executed successfully. If it has, the administrator can continue with upgrading the Personify360 database; if the script did not execute successfully, the administrator should review the reported errors and take corrective action before attempting to upgrade the Personify360 database.