Customer Status Business Rules

The following table details the business rules regarding customer status:

Activity Type



New Orders

Ship-to customer placing an order, bill-to customer on an order, or pay to customer on an order.

Selected customer must not be deceased or duplicate.

Follow-Up Order Processing/Payments

Fulfilling subscription issues for customers, fulfilling backorders for customers, activating waitlisted meeting registrations, invoicing of recurring-invoice orders, fulfilling of standing orders, and processing of scheduled payments.

If the order is active, no evaluation of the customer status is performed.

Renewed Orders (membership and subscriptions)

Ship-to customer on a renewal order and bill-to customer on a renewal order.

Ship-to customer must not be deceased or duplicate and bill-to customer must not be deceased or duplicate.


Customer is assigned to a committee, customer is nominated for a committee, and customer is “represented by” a committee member.

Selected customer must be active.

Contact Tracking

Contact tracking record is created for a customer, customer is selected as the “Person Contacted” on a contact tracking record.

Selected customer must not be deceased or duplicate.

Customer Address

A new address is being created for Customer A, who selects Customer B in the address screen to link to Customer B’s address.

Customer A and B must not be deceased or duplicate.

Customer Links

Customer is selected as the primary employer of another customer, customer is selected as the primary contact of another customer, and customer is selected as the “Related To” customer in other relationships.

Selected customers must be active.

Contact Tracking

Contact tracking record is created for Customer A and Customer B is selected as the “Person Contacted” on a contact tracking record.

Customer A and B must not be deceased or duplicate


Customer is selected as a reviewer and customer is selected as an abstract author.

Selected customer must be active


Customer is marked as an advertiser, customer is marked as an agency, and customer is added to a contract.

Selected customer must not be deceased or duplicate

Certification Registrant

Customer is registered for a certification program.

Selected customer must not be deceased or duplicate


Customer is selected as an exhibitor.

Selected customer must not be deceased or duplicate


Customer is selected as a facility for a meeting, an exhibition, or a reservation.

Selected facility customer must be active


Customer is added to a marketing list.

Selected customer must not be deceased or duplicate.

Meeting Requirement Vendor

Customer is selected as a vendor.

Selected customer must be active.

Related Customer

Customer is assigned as a related customer on a product (e.g., meeting speaker, publication author, and etc.).

Selected customer must be active.


Customer is uploaded as part of a transcript upload file.

Selected customer must not be deceased or duplicate.