CUS700 – Manage Web User Bill Me Data

This batch process manages the WEB_USER_BILLME table based on the parameter values for the organization and organization unit.






The report subtitle as you want it to print as part of the report header.


Run Mode

Mode in which the report runs:

·       EDIT - will not update the database only use the parameters and query to select records for reporting

·       PROD - will update the database along with the printing a report of records selected.



The Organization ID for which you want to run the report.


Organization Unit

The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report.


Include Customer Class

Enter 'Y' to include the list of customer class selected in the 'Customer Class List' parameter.


Customer Class List

This is a multiple select parameter to select one or more customer class that would qualify to have the Bill Me Flag set to 'Y'. The requirement for this parameter is that the list of customer class should be separated by commas.


Include Membership Orders

Enter 'Y' to include the list of Membership Product IDs selected in the 'Membership Product ID List' parameter.


Membership Product List

This is a multiple select parameter to select one or more Product ID where Product_Web_Control.Allow_BillMe_Flag = 'Y'. Ship Customers having Active orders with these products would qualify to have the Bill Me Flag set to 'Y'. The requirement for this parameter is that the list of Product IDs should be separated by commas.


As Of Date

This parameter is used only if 'Include Membership Product' parameter is set to 'Y'. Active Membership orders as of this date parameter is selected. If no value is passed, the process uses the system date.


Include Customer Based View

Enter 'Y' to include the view name passed in the 'Customer Based View' parameter.


Customer Based View

Select the view name that would return the list of customers that would qualify to have the Bill Me Flag set to 'Y'. The requirement for this view is that it needs to have 'Master_Customer_ID' and 'Sub_Customer_ID' as standard column.


Sample Report