Defining Certification Program Prerequisites

The Prerequisite Rules screen allows you to define rules for how the requirements can be met. Rules can include:

·            A specific order of requirements. For example, a person cannot begin the certification process until he/she has a college degree.

·            Time frames involved in the entire process between single prerequisites or groups of prerequisites. For example, an individual may have to complete the process in 3 years or cannot take an exam unless three prerequisites are completed.

To define certification program prerequisites:

1.    From the toolbar, select Certification Definition > Certification Program Definition.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Certification.

3.    Click Prerequisite Rules from the Certification Definitions task category.
The Prerequisite Rules screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Highlight a requirement in the Rules and Prerequisite table and click Add Prerequisite.

5.    Enter the Max Months from Last Prerequisite.

6.    Enter the Max Months between Last Prerequisite.

7.    Select the Prerequisite Requirement from the drop-down.

8.    Click Save.

Screen Element


Add Prerequisite

Button. When clicked, the fields are enabled to add a prerequisite to the highlighted requirement.

Delete Prerequisite

Button. When clicked, the highlighted prerequisite is deleted.

Max Months from Last Prerequisite

Text box. The customer must complete this prerequisite within this number of months from the last prerequisite accomplished. The value is only applicable if there are multiple prerequisites assigned to a requirement that can happen in any order. This defines the amount of time from the last requirement met and not just between two specific requirements.

Max Months between Last Prerequisite

Text box. Within a set of prerequisites, the customer must complete another prerequisite within this period of time. The maximum amount of time that can pass between any two prerequisites. Zero indicates there is no rule.

Prerequisite Requirement

Drop-down. Select the requirement that is a prerequisite for another requirement. It must exist within the same set of requirements for the current certification program.