Awards Overview

The Awards module gives organizations the ability to recognize candidates for a specified award. The workflow for awards is pretty simple; every time an award is to be given (typically, once a year):

·            Staff or administrators define information for the award.

·            Nominators then answer questions defined for the award about nominees and attach required attachments to the nomination. If a nomination fee has been defined for the award, the nominator pays the nomination fee.

·            Reviewers review the nomination submissions for each nominee, answer scoring questions, and score the nominee.

·            Staff or administrators review the reviewers’ scores and select the award winner(s).

·            Staff or administrators notify the award winners.


Conditions, questions, attachments, reviewers, recognition, and sponsors allow your organization to further define an award within an awards program.


For example, the American Professional Association (APA) gives out the Outstanding Member award once a year. In order to be eligible to be nominated, candidates must meet the following conditions: be a current member and be over the age of 18.


In order to submit nominations, nominators must answer the following three questions: How long have you known the nominee? What is your relationship to the nominee? What makes this nominee a good candidate for this award? Along with answering those questions, the nominator must also upload a resume, transcript, and photograph of the nominee.


Once the nomination has been successfully submitted, reviewers can view the nomination, answer scoring questions, and score the nominee. Finally, award winners can be chosen.

Not all of the above steps are required in order to create an awards program and award a winner.

Awards at a Glance

The workflows outlined in red below are done on the web; whereas, the workflows for staff/administrators are done in the back office.


See Also:

·            Awards System Types and Codes

·            Awards Nomination Notification