Reversing a Write-off

The system will automatically reverse a write-off considering the following conditions:

·            If a balance is written off (write-off is against the AR account), and the customer subsequently pays for the order, the system will automatically reverse the write-off. This will happen whether or not there is an application of a receipt or the transfer of a receipt from a different order.

·            If the product is returned, then any write-offs for that line item will be reversed.

·            If a meeting registrations is cancelled, write-offs will be automatically reversed.

·            If there is a full refund and there was a tolerance write-off, that write-off will be reversed.

·            If an unapplied receipt is written off and the customer wants to apply it to a new order, the system reverse the write-off of the original receipt.

·            If a line total is reduced and payment exceeds the line total amount, the write-off will be reversed.

As of Personify360 7.5.0, if a different write-off account is selected from the Write-off (FAR003c) screen than that which is defined for the product, when the user applies payment to the order, the system will reverse the write-off to the write-off account selected on the FAR003c screen, NOT the write-off account defined for the product.

As of 7.5.0, the system executes the following logic with reversing a write-off:

·            Calculate the write-off amount: Sum(Far_Txn.BASE_AMOUNT) for all Type 5 txn records. If sum < 0, there is an amount that may be available to be auto-reversed by an overpayment.

·            Calculate amount available for auto-reversal on overpayment: Sum(Far_Txn.BASE_AMOUNT) for all Type 5 txn records where Far_Txn.APPLICATION <> 'FAR003J'. This is the amount that can be automatically reversed on overpayment.

·            Is there an overpayment? If there is an amount available to be automatically reversed upon overpayment, reverse the write off up to the amount that is available for automatic reversal.

See Also:

·            Overview: Writing Off a Balance

·            Writing Off a Balance