Viewing Submission Type Statistics Summary

Statistics related to the submission type can be viewed from the Edit Submission Type Details tab when you open a submission type from the ABS Home page.

The statistics that are shown are:

·            Online Submissions Due: the last date that a submission can be submitted online. This is on the Submission Type Details page.

·            Review Process Ends: the date that the review is expected to end and reviewers are expected to have submitted their scores for the submissions to which they were assigned.

·            Number of Submissions: the number of submissions that have been submitted for consideration. This number does NOT include Drafts.

·            Unassigned Submissions: the number of submissions that have not been assigned to any reviewers.

·            Submissions Needing Action: the number of submissions that require action from an administrator or staff. This includes submissions needing staff review, needing reviewer assignment, needing a finalist decision, or needing a final accept/decline decision.

·            Reviews Completed: the number of submission scores that have been completed by reviewers assigned to submission for this submission type.

·            See Also:

·            Overview: Working with Submissions

·            Viewing Submissions Submitted to a Submission Type

·            Working with Reviewers Assigned to a Call Submission Type

·            Accepting and Declining Submissions

·            Withdrawing a Submission