Web Services Designer Properties Pane

The Personify WSD Properties pane is resizable, floatable and dockable, similar to Visual Studio. The Properties pane displays the attributes of the element (entity, property, association, or service operation) selected on the canvass.


The Properties pane consists of the following:

·            Header

o           Sort Category-wise or

o           Sort Alphabetically

o           Search

·            Property Grid

·            Description of the selected attribute

See also:

·            Web Services Designer Layout

·            Web Services Designer Toolbar

·            Web Services Designer Tools Pane

·            Web Services Designer API Explorer

·            Web Services Designer Mapping Pane

·            Web Services Designer Output Pane

·            Web Services Designer Error Pane

·            Web Services Designer Design Canvas

·            Web Services Designer Status Bar

·            Web Services Designer Visual Indicators