Troubleshooting Vantiv Import Failures

Failure of one credit card transaction to be able to be processed will NOT prevent the rest of the transactions in the file from being processed.


If the response attribute in the <litleResponse> element is not equal to zero, then the file was rejected by Vantiv and nothing was processed. Often you will need to contact Vantiv to determine why your uploaded file generated a nonzero response.


However, it is possible that one receipt in the uploaded file could have caused the entire batch to fail. If so, perform the following steps:

1.    Check the log file and the error message generated by FAR681 and/or FND681. You may see that the error message is formatted like:

Error validating transaction amount limits for batch: Batch ID <> Session ID
<82915747672064019> Batch type <Normal> Merchant ID <1121153> Batch ID
Session id <82915747672064019> failed on transaction with merchant reference

2.    Note the merchant reference number listed in the error message; this is the receipt number (in this example, it’s 23451).

3.    Open the XML file that was generated by FAR680 and/or FND681 and subsequently uploaded to Vantiv.

4.    Find the <authorization> element that contains the receipt number. It should look something like:

<authorization …… >

5.    Note the number between the <amount> tags, then delete everything between and including <authorization> and </authorization>.

6.    Identify the <batchRequest> element near the top of the file.

7.    Decrement the "numAuths" attribute by 1.

8.    Reduce the "authAmount" attribute by the number in the <amount> tags that was noted in step 5.

9.    In Personify360 Operations back office, reverse the offending receipt.

10.  Resubmit the file to Vantiv’s server.