Personify Data Import Utility Templates

A number of templates were delivered with the Personify Data Import Utility so you can see how data import mappings work in Scribe Online. Although these templates work with the base delivery of the utility, it is expected that each client will modify the templates to meet their business needs.


The templates for Scribe Online are to be used with accompanying CSV files and only with the latest release of the base Personify Data Services. If there are any changes to the CSV file format or the Personify Data Services, the template will have to be modified accordingly.


The following templates were delivered with the 1.0.0 release of the Personify Data Import Utility:

1.    Create or update customer records.
If the import file contains a customer ID, the system will search for a customer with a matching ID. If the import file does not contain a customer ID, the system will attempt a search based on email address. If a match is found in the database based on customer ID or email address, the system will update the customer record based on the information in the import file, such as name, alias, address, phone number, email address, etc.

A comment block in the templates are used to perform a search to prevent duplicate records.

2.    Upgrade or create membership.
If the import file contains a customer ID, the system will search for a current membership for the customer with that ID. If the system finds a match, the system will upgrade the membership order. If a match is not found, the system will create a new membership order for that customer.

3.    Create or update order.
If the import file contains an order number, the system will attempt to find that order and add a new order line to the order. If the import file does not contain an order number, the system will create a new order.

Currently, this template does NOT process receipts. However, this template can be modified by each customer to do so.

The templates described above can be found in the following location: ..\SeparatelyPackagedComponents\Data Import Utility\1.0.0\Sample Templates\Templates.


The templates described above can be used as if you use the base source files located in the following folder: ..\SeparatelyPackagedComponents\Data Import Utility\1.0.0\Sample Templates\Source Files. These templates should be used on your TEST environment only to see how the templates work.