Installing the Passkey Callback Site

The Passkey callback site is responsible for listening for Passkey events such as “Create a New Reservation,” “Update a Reservation,” and “Cancel a Reservation,” and for updating necessary information in Personify regarding hotel reservations. The Passkey callback site needs to be set up by each organization integrating with Passkey.

To set up the Passkey callback site:

1.    Copy the Passkey Integration Call Back file in the Passkey folder to your web server. This can be found in the Personify release folder.

2.    Unzip the package and copy the content into the folder where you want to create your callback website.

3.    Open Internet Information Services (IIS) and create a virtual directory for the callback website pointing to the folder where the files are copied.

4.    Installation completed. Now you may test your Passkey integration. 
All setup information comes from the Personify database; please make sure the correct information is provided for the Passkey integration.