Frequently Asked Questions about the Data Import Utility

1.    Question: Will hosted customers be able to use this tool?
Answer: Yes, it's a cloud-based tool so this tool exists in the cloud on Scribe's hosted servers. Personify installs the agent on hosted servers, and the two can talk over HTTP.

2.    Question: Can you export any reports from Scribe?
Answer: At this time, all the information about jobs is contained in the Scribe interface itself and cannot be exported.

3.    Question: How do validation rules work between Scribe and Personify360?
Answer: All of the rules and validations that have to occur are based on Personify oData Web Services using the following steps:

·            Receive source file from a third-party vendor.

·            Use Scribe's functions to transform data into a usable format (e.g., clean, trim, lookup, etc.).

·            Once you have extracted and transformed the data, it needs to meet the Personify data rules built in the oData Web Services before it can be loaded into Personify360. Scribe will generate an error if these rules are not met.

4.    Question: What types of sources can I use?
Answer: Salesforce, Oracle, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, ODBC, etc. A full list of connectors is located in the Scribe Online Help.

5.    Question: Are there any circumstances where Scribe would not be my best option for importing data?
Answer: If there is an exceptional number of records (e.g., millions) that need to be imported into a simple table that requires no business logic, the Personify Data Import Utility may not be the most appropriate solution.

6.    Question: What happens if I make a mistake uploading data? Are there any roll back capabilities?
Answer: There are no roll back capabilities in Scribe Online. However, if you have SQL knowledge, you can run custom scripts to correct the bad data.

7.    Question: Can the Data Import Utility be used to map USR fields?
Answer: Yes, the Data Import Utility can be used to map to fields and tables in the USR namespace. You would use the web service designer to add those fields to entities or even create new entities of your own that are mapped to user defined tables you’ve created.