Pre-setup Checklist

Before you can install and configure Unified Search on the system, please ensure the following steps have been completed:

1.    Configure SQL Server service to run using a Domain User Account.

2.    Start SQL Server Agent Service on SQL Server.

Configure SQL Server Service to Run Using a Domain User Account

A critical step in normal processing of Unified Search SQL job is generating HTML files that are consumed by Google Mini search appliance. This step involves is selecting data from the database and exporting it to an external HTML file.


For this, the user that runs the SQL Job needs to have read and write permission on the file destination location. This can be done by having a domain user that has access to the database and has above mentioned permissions on file server.


This account can be any user account on the domain or can be the same account that runs SQL Server service.


It is recommended that you set the SQL Server service to run under a Windows service account and assign read and write permission for this account on the file server that will host the Unified Search related files.

Start SQL Server Agent Service on SQL Server

The SQL Server Agent Service needs to be started on the SQL server instance where the SQL job will be located.


Not having the SQL Server Agent service running will return errors when creating the job. You may receive an error like this if you attempt to create the SQL Job on a server that has SQL Server Agent Service turned off.