Adding Unified Search SQL Objects

The next step is to add SQL objects to your Personify database specific to Unified Search by running a command script.


A listing of the new database objects added to Personify as a result of running the command script appear after the steps below.

To add the Unified Search SQL objects:

1.    Navigate to following file path in your Unified Search release folder: UnifiedSearch\Personify.UnifiedSearch.Database\2_UNIFIED_SEARCH_OBJECTS

2.    Open the Runner.CMD script in a text editor such as Notepad and modify the following:

·            <Server>

·            <Database>

·            <Username>

·            <Password>

3.    Save and close the file.

4.    Double-click Runner.CMD to run the script and install Unified Search related objects










Stored Procedures







Two SQL scripts that executed when you ran the command script added Indexes to your existing Personify database tables. The indexes are essential to providing Personify data for Unified Search in the most efficient way.

·            Alter_Table_CUS_RELATIONSHIP_Add_Index.SQL

·            Alter_Table_CUSTOMER_Add_Index.SQL


The following data script also executed when you ran the command script, and it added placeholder data for the Unified Search Application Parameters in your Personify application:



The three (3) Application Parameters added to the system include the following:

This parameter defines the UNC File location on your App Server/ File Server for file default.HTML and Customer Search files.

This parameter defines the UNC File location on your App Server/ File Server for Customer Detail files.

This parameter defines the maximum record count for the number of Customer/Prospect data to include in the search universe. This number is dependent on the license limitation for the Google Mini search appliance.