Creating a Print or Digital Version of a Subscription Product

Print and digital subscription products that may be “transferred” from one to the other need to have the same product rate code records. In order to ensure that this happens correctly, the print-version subscription product and the digital-version subscription product need to have the same Product_Rate_Code definitions. To facilitate this, as of 7.4.0, tasks are provided in Product Central for creating print and digital subscription products. 


If the product open in Product Central is a "Print" Subscription product but not a digital product (i.e., the Print Edition checkbox is checked and the Digital Edition checkbox is NOT checked on the General Setup screen), the following new tasks will display in the Subsystem Specific task category:

·            Create Digital Edition Version of Product: opens the Product Copy screen to create a new product with the Print Edition checkbox NOT checked and the Digital Edition checkbox checked. This task only displays if no digital-edition SUB product exists with the same Parent_Product as the print product being copied.

·            Create Print/Digital Version of Product: opens the Product Copy screen to create a new product with the Print Edition and Digital Edition checkboxes checked. This task only displays if no print/digital-edition SUB product exists with the same Parent_Product as the print product being copied.


If the product open in Product Central is a "Digital" Subscription product but not a print product (i.e., the Print Edition checkbox is NOT checked and the Digital Edition checkbox is checked on the General Setup screen), the following new tasks will display in the Subsystem Specific task menu:

·            Create Print Version of Product: opens the Product Copy screen to create a new product with the Print Edition checkbox NOT checked and the Digital Edition checkbox checked. This task only displays if no print edition SUB product exists with the same Parent_Product as the digital product being copied.

·            Create Print/Digital Version of Product: opens the Product Copy screen to create a new product with the Print Edition and Digital Edition checkboxes checked. This task only displays if no print/digital-edition SUB product exists with the same Parent_Product as the digital product being copied.


For more information on using the Product Copy screen, please see Copying a Subscription Product.

You must also create a relationship record between the two products with a relationship type of "Subscription - Print Digital relation" (SUB_PRINT_DIGITAL). For more information, please see Defining Subscription Product Related Products.