Single Sign-On and Identity Management Integration

Single Sign-On (SSO) is an application developed by Personify primarily for associations to integrate different vendor sites. Using SSO, associations can provide a seamless experience to their members for connecting to other vendors’ websites. Personify Single Sign-On provides a means for organizations to facilitate movement of their members and customers between their organization website and the websites of their third-party vendors and partners. The Identity Management System (IMS) enhances the member’s experience for both the association’s website and the integrated websites from other vendors. Using IMS, vendors can manage members’ access to the different areas of their websites.

This section covers the following:

·       Single-Sign On Overview

·       Identity Management System Overview

·       Installing SSO and IMS

·       Integrating Your Site with Single-Sign On

·       Using Identity Management with Single Sign-On

·       SSO Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

·       SSO Glossary