Installing the IMS Web Service

This section explains how to install

To install the IMS web service:

1.    Create a folder on the web server for IMS web services and copy the dlls and other files to that folder.
For example, this folder is named IMSWebServices.

2.    Create a virtual folder in IIS and set up the directory as IMSWebServices.

3.    Keep the default values for all other parameters.

4.    Set the parameter values for the <AppSettings> section in the web.config file.

a.    Set up the SSO/IMS Database connect string:
<add key="SSO.ConnectionString" value="user id=<<SSO/IMS Database user id>>;password=<<Password>>;Initial
Catalog=<<SSO/IMS Database name>>;Data Source=<<Server name for the SSO/IMS database>>"/>

b.    Set up the <ExceptionManager> Settings:
<EmailAddresses><<administrators email address>></EmailAddresses>
<FromEmailAddress><<From email address>></FromEmailAddress>

c.    Set the SMTP server name to send an email when required through Personify application: