Payment Received

This email is generated when a customer’s payment is submitted to the back office or via the Web. The email informs the customer of the payment amount he/she entered, which items (including Order#) the payment was applied to, and any possibility of an overpayment on his/her part.


This notification overlaps with other notifications when a new order and payment is received.  If you use any of the below, change the triggers so two emails are not sent to your customers for the same event.

·            Fund Raising Order Created

·            New Membership

·            New Web Membership

·            New Order

·            New Web Order


Event Stored Procedure Name: usp_NOTIFY_PAYMENT_ENTERED


Triggers on Table: FAR_RECEIPT

·            Insert Trigger: trg_I_NOTIFY_PAYMENT_ENTERED
This trigger fires any time a receipt is posted to a batch and has an Active status at the time the receipt is saved.  In the back office, this will occur when a receipt is saved using a direct batch. From the Web, this occurs after the credit card authorization is completed and the receipt is saved with the order.

·            Update Trigger: trg_U_NOTIFY_PAYMENT_ENTERED
This trigger will fire any time a receipt is updated to Posted and is Active.  This will occur when a deferred receipt batch in the back office is posted.  This does not occur when you delete a receipt.

Business Change Options

This notification is controlled by the database triggers. The stored procedure is used to generate the email information only. Therefore, to modify this notification, changes would have to be made to the triggers.  If you want different messages sent for orders paid online vs. paid from the Web, then consider these changes:

·            If you would like to generate a receipt email after someone pays an open order from the Web that has a different message than a back office payment, follow these steps below. This would be a different acknowledgement from one generated for a new Web order.

o           Use the first trigger “trg_I_NOTIFY_PAYMENT_ENTERED”.  

o           This trigger can be modified to check that the payment has been added to an e-Business batch, and that the order date is in the past. This would eliminate any message coming from other new orders created and paid from e-Business or the back office.  

·            Many organizations process manual receipts in a deferred batch in their office.  If you would like to acknowledge the receipt of your customer’s order and payment, follow  the steps below.

o           Use the second trigger trg_U_NOTIFY_PAYMENT_ENTERED.

o           Modify it to look for the batch type of DEFERRED_POSTING or RAPID_DEFERRED.  This will also eliminate Web orders.

o           After you check and balance the batch, posting the batch will send the emails.

Base Message Template


Thank you for your recent payment of ##RECEIPT_SUMMARY.TOTAL_PAYMENT_AMOUNT##. Your payment has been applied to the following items you have recently ordered.

Order #






Should you have any questions please feel free to contact our [your customer service email].