Notify Product Manager when INV Product Sold

This notification is for internal staff only and will not be sent to any customers.

Generated after a user-defined number of days. An email is sent to the Product Manager (or any other defined staff member) that includes a list of all inventoried products sold within the defined time span and the quantity of each product sold.  The staff email address used is taken from the product setup screen: Product Central > Product Manager Email.


The schedule is determined by the Event Interval setup on the Notification Maintenance screen.


Event Stored Procedure Name:  usp_NOTIFY_PRODUCT_MGR_INV_PRODUCT_SOLD

Trigger on Table


Business Change Options

Staff will want to point this notification at a certain list of products.  These might be new products or those that require special arrangements with the customer.  This list can be added to the stored procedure and changed as needed.

Sample Message Template

The following inventoried products have been sold recently

Product Code

Parent Product

Quantity Sold