Low Inventory

This notification is for internal staff only and will not be sent to any customers.

Generated when the inventory quantity of a particular inventoried product reaches a user-defined “low inventory” quantity. The email is sent to a specific staff member which details which inventoried product is low and the current quantity in stock.  The staff email address used is taken from the product setup screen: Product Central > Product Manager Email.

The schedule is determined by the Event Interval setup on the Notification Maintenance screen.


The logic to decide if there is low inventory, is based on a fixed number assigned in the stored procedure, which is set to ‘10’. The process sums the Available Quantity of all bins in the product and uses the comparison of less than or equal to 10.


The procedure will re-send the email to the product manager if it is 24 hours since the last email. The number ‘24’ is the value used for the hours comparison.


Event Stored Procedure Name:  usp_NOTIFY_LOW_INVENTORY


Trigger on Table


Business Change Options

·            The low inventory number is arbitrary and can be changed in the stored procedure as needed. Or instead, the product’s Reorder Quantity can be used for the comparison.

·            The process sums the Available Quantity of all bins, including the priority zero, non-shipping bins. You might want to exclude this bin since some action is needed to move this extra inventory into the shipping bins.

Sample Message Template

There is no template provided for this notification.  It is required that you manually create a new template.


Attention Product Manager,

The following inventoried stock item is low in inventory and below 10 items available. Please check your stock and take appropriate action in the warehouse. Remember to update Personify360 with this action in the product maintenance screens.