Changing the Status of a Membership Order

Although it is rare, membership statuses can be manually changed via the Fulfill Status drop-down on the Line Detail and Pricing tab of the Line Item Details screen, when appropriate. There are three Fulfill Statuses that affect whether a member receives member benefits.

·            Expel - This code is manually set by the end user; this is a code connected with a disciplinary process. This would be a permanent decision by staff to remove a member from the association’s membership roster. All member benefits and renewal processes will ignore this status.

·            Suspend - This code is manually set by the end user; this is a code connected with a disciplinary process. Please note that if you wish to retain a history of when a member was suspended, the fulfillment status and fulfillment status date will be overwritten if the member's suspension is lifted and the fulfill status is reset to "A", or if the member is expelled. This is a temporary membership state that staff can set if an issue arises. All member benefits, member counts, and renewal processes exclude any customer with this status until a staff member reverts the customer’s Fulfill Status back to Active. This Fulfill Status leaves the Line Status as ACTIVE, so revenue IS recognized. Please note that while web access will not be restricted while in this status, the member will not receive member pricing and will not be able to purchase member only products on the web.

·            Terminate-at-End - The idea here is that the order is not to be renewed and never goes into grace. This may happen because of a transfer from one chapter to another or simply because the user requested it. In any case, the change is something done manually to the order. The MBR900 update process needs to recognize this to change it to Expired after the “Active” period. The implication of this is that the existing membership remains active until the end.  If the intention is to stop the membership or subscription immediately, then the line item is cancelled.  If the intention is a transfer, then the transfer fulfill status is used. For example, if a member calls Customer Service and decides that they do not want to continue membership after the end of their current period, then select this status. They will continue to receive member benefits until the membership End Date has past and the renewal process will skip this status. For more information, please see Cancelling to Keep All Money.

The system assumes that if a membership (or a subscription) is a requirement for certification, the requirement is that the membership be active for the term of the certification. If the customer is to get credit for membership, the end date should be updated for whatever period of time the customer was a member, the line status should remain as active, and the line should be set to "Terminate at End". Therefore, if a membership is terminated early (i.e., the membership Cycle End Date is updated to be a date less than the original membership product Cycle End Date and the Fulfill Status is updated to “T”), if membership was a requirement for certification, the Certification Status was "COMPLETED", and if the Certification Expiration Date is less than or equal to the new membership Cycle End Date but greater than or equal to the current date, as of 7.4.2 the Certification Expiration Date will be updated to the new membership Cycle End Date

To change a membership status:

1.    From the Order Entry screen, select the appropriate line item.

2.    Right-click the line item and select Show Full Line Item Details.
The Line Item Details screen displays, as shown below.

3.    From the Fulfill Status drop-down (highlighted above), select one of the options described above.

4.    Click Save.