MTG900 – Waitlist Activation Process

This batch process stores a waitlist for meeting registrations where demand exceeds capacity by comparing the waitlist against available inventory and updates registration orders based on original order date and user-specified criteria.


In order for an order to be fulfilled from the waitlist, as long as there is capacity, the order will activate with the MTG900. So if two orders are on the waitlist with a shortpay set to reject, and the first order has no payment, whereas the second has a full payment, the shortpay in base is ignored and both orders will activate, with one of the orders creating an AR balance and the second having no balance.






The Organization ID for which you want to run the report.


Organization Unit

The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report.



·       EDIT = Print Report and do not commit changes

·       PROD = Print Report and update database tables and commit changes


Parent Product

Select from lookup or enter a valid Parent Product for the subsystem MTG . If Product Code, the next parameter is left blank, all products under this Parent product and their orders will be processed.


Product Code

Select from lookup or enter a valid Product code of type Meeting or Session for the Parent Product entered above. If left blank, all products under the Parent product will be processed. If a Product is entered then Only the combination of Parent Product and Product and their orders will be considered for processing.


Sample Report