MTG680 – Meeting Registrant Ticket Generation

This batch process report produces separate tickets for all the sessions registered for a registrant. Multiple tickets can be printed for a session if the order quantity is greater than one.






The string which appears on the top of the Ticket. If left blank, the default value of organization unit name is printed from app_org_unit table for input Organization and Organization Unit parameter. If nothing is to be printed on first line of ticket then enter 'NONE'.



The Organization ID for which you want to run the report.


Organization Unit

The Organization Unit ID for which you want to run the report.


Parent Product

The meeting code for which the tickets are to be printed.


Product Code

The meeting/Session code for which the ticket is to be printed. If Parent Product and Product Code entered are same then the tickets are printed for all the sessions.

If parent Product and Product Code are different then the tickets are printed only for the entered session (Product Code) If Parent Product is Entered but the Product Code is null, then the tickets are printed for all the sessions.


Print Header

Flag whether to print the header trailer information for each set of ticket. Enter YES if header- trailer information is to be printed for each set of tickets. Enter NO if header-trailer information is not to be printed for each set of tickets.


Sample Report