Defining Shipping Charges by Flat Rate

When shipping charges are defined as Flat Rate, the flat shipping amount is distributed across other matching ship-via lines. For example, UPS charges a flat rate of $10.00 and FedEx charges a flat rate of $15.00. If an order has three lines, the first two are being shipped UPS and the third line is being shipped FedEx, then the first two line items would be charged $5.00 each for shipping and the third line would be charged $15.00 for shipping.

To define shipping charges by a flat rate:

1.    On the Shipping Charges Maintenance screen, from the Define Shipping Charges task category, click Flat Rate.
The Shipping Charges Maintenance – Flat Rate screen displays, as shown below.

2.    From the Define Simple Flat Rate Shipping per Order by Flat Rate section, click Add.

3.    Select the effective Begin Date for the shipping charges from the drop-down.
This shipping method will be charged if the order date is on or after the begin date.

4.    In Base Ship Amount field, enter the minimum shipping amount that will be charged regardless of product weight per order per ship-via.
For example, if an order has three line items, two being shipped via FedEx and one being shipped via UPS, then the Base Ship Amount defined for the FedEx will be split between the two lines, AND the Base Ship Amount for UPS will be applied to the third line.

5.    Select the effective End Date for the shipping charges defined from the drop-down.
This shipping method will be charged if the order date is before the End Date.

6.    Click Save.