Defining Inventoried Product Fundraising Links

If the selected product is part of a fundraising campaign, you can link it to that campaign using the Fundraising Links screen.


A product can be related to a specific campaign, fund, or appeal or any combination of them. When the product is purchased, the information will be captured in the order_detail table automatically. Products linked to a campaign, fund, or appeal populate the FND_Credit table and display in the Transaction History and Fundraising reports.

In order for the INV product to display in Donor360® when the product is purchased, the "Is a Donation" checkbox must be checked on the General Setup screen.

To link a product to a fund:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Products > Product Central.
The Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.

3.    From the Relationships task category, click Related to Fund Raising.
The Fundraising Links screen displays, as shown below.

4.    Click the Campaign link and search for a campaign associated with the product.

5.    Click the Fund link and search for a fund associated with the product.

6.    Click the Appeal link and search for an appeal associated with the product.

7.    Click Save.

Screen Element



Link. A campaign can be defined as either a general single campaign to organize all fundraising activities or can be separated into specific campaigns for specific purposes over a set time period. Products linked to a campaign populate the FND_Credit table and display in the Transaction History and Fundraising reports.


Link. A fund is something with a specific purpose (Scholarship Fund, Building Fund, etc.), which implies specific general ledger accounts. Products linked to a fund populate the FND_Credit table and display in the Transaction History and Fundraising reports.


Link. An appeal is any activity targeted toward constituents (mailings, phone calls, brochures, etc.) An appeal can be associated with single or multiple campaigns and funds. Products linked to an appeal populate the FND_Credit table and display in the Transaction History and Fundraising reports.