Adding Inventoried Product Online Store Listing Images

Personify360 supports the upload of multiple images for products and umbrella products. You may want to have multiple images of your product, allowing customers to click on each image to view it in a larger size. This includes a default image and two additional thumbnails, clickable to show alternate images, as shown below.


If no image is set up, a “No Image Available” image will display on your site, as shown below.

Images have a big impact on a consumers' decision to learn more and, ultimately, purchase a product. The time spent taking photos of products and loading them into the system will affect how well your organization's ability to sell products and services is. Additionally, you should provide your photos in the highest resolution possible and the system will resize them. By default, the system resizes the large image to 250 x 250 pixels and the thumbnail image to 150 x 150. However, this default can be changed by editing the width and height of the "LARGE" and "SMALL" codes defined for the PROD_IMAGE_SIZE system type. For more information, please see Defining System Types and Codes.

For individual umbrella products under a general umbrella product, please be sure to upload images that are specific to the product option and choice. For example, if you are uploading images for a medium, pink sweatshirt under the general sweatshirt umbrella product, make sure that the images properly reflect what the medium, pink sweatshirt would look like. If you do NOT have the appropriate images, it is recommended that you use the same images defined for the general umbrella product. The reason for this is because when a web user clicks on a product option and choice from the right navigation on the product detail page of the umbrella product (highlighted below), the system displays the product images and product alerts for the associated individual product under the umbrella product. Therefore, a web user might expect to see what his/her selection might look like when purchased.

To set up product images:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Products > Product Central.
The Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.

3.    From the eBusiness Links task category, click Online Store Listing Images.
Please note that this task will not appear until you have set up eBusiness Control for whatever product you are working on. For more information, please see Defining Inventoried Product eBusiness Controls.
The Product Images screen displays, as shown below.

4.    From the Default Image section, click Browse to upload an image.
This is the first image a customer will see in the product listing in the online store.

The system supports all image files types, but will convert the image to .png when uploaded.

5.    As of 7.6.1, if necessary, enter Alt Text.
The alternative text for an image is a descriptive representation of the image as defined within the <IMG> tag as an ALT value. Search engines use alt tag as a ranking factor in their image search results. If defined, when the page with the Product Detail .NET web control is loaded in a browser, the defined value is included as the Alt content of the image in the page HTML, as shown below.

If there is not a defined value for the Alt Text of the image, when the page with the Product Detail .NET web control is loaded in a browser, the product short name will be included as the Alt content of the image in the page HTML.

6.    From the Alternate Image I and Alternate Image II section, click Browse to upload the alternate images that will display as two smaller thumbnails that you can click to display as a large image like the default.
The new images will display in the boxes. If you would like to delete an image, click Clear.

7.    Once you have finished uploading your images, click Save.

Images will be renamed in this format once they are uploaded: [productID].Def.[image size].png. This is so that the system can logically place the images where they are desired within the system. "Def" might also be "Alt1" or "Alt2" depending on which image you are uploading.