Validating a Facility Product Setup

This task verifies that all the dates are synchronized and all required fields are filled. If a green check mark displays next to this task in the left pane, then the setup was validated. If no green check mark displays, then the validation failed. Common reasons why a validation would fail include:

·            At least one rate code and pricing record for the list price with an appropriate date range is defined

·            The GL/revenue accounts dates are not synchronized with the rates and pricing dates

·            Failed to select active product status

·            Missing GL account pairs

·            Missing the default rate code

·            Product default rate does not have a price associated with it

·            The product account does not have a value defined for the Recognition Date (new validation requirement as of 7.6.1)

Once a product is validated, updating setup information does not cause the system to revalidate the product. If setup data is changed, you must revalidate the product to make sure that none of the changes caused a problem with the setup.

To validate the setup:

1.    From the Personify360 main toolbar, select Facilities > Facility Products.
The Facility Product Maintenance search screen displays.

2.    Click Search to find a product or click Create New Product.

3.    From the Define the Product task category, click Validate Setup.
If the system was NOT able to successfully validate the product setup, the outstanding issues will be listed. Double-click each item to resolve the issue.
If the system was able to successfully validate the product setup, a green check mark will display in the task menu.