Pre-Order Purchasing

As of 7.6.1, the functionality of pre-order purchasing has been implemented for the digital content delivery module. The DCD pre-order functionality is similar to the pre-order purchasing functionality implemented for the inventory module. The delaying of credit card collection must occur for DCD product order lines, which required the creation of a new fulfill status and a TRS job, ECD620. Additionally, a new notification has been created to alert the constituent that their digital content purchase is now available for download and/or view.


As of 7.6.1, you now have the ability to define and enable a DCD product for purchase prior to the definition of or the availability date of the digital content for that DCD product. Constituents now have the ability to purchase digital content that is defined as not yet available.


When creating a new DCD product, a new Calendar drop-down field labeled Pre-Order Available will appear on the General Setup screen. The field will default to NULL.