As of 7.5.1, on the web, segmentation is referred to as "Group Management”. In 7.5.0 it was refereed to as "Corporate and Staff Management" and in releases prior to 7.5.0, it was referred to as "Affiliate Management".
The Org-Unit Segment Membership tab can be used to delete the customer from an organization unit segment.
To delete an org-unit segment membership:
1. On the CRM360® screen, from the Background Information task category, click Segmentation Details.
The Segmentation Control screen displays, as shown below.
2. Navigate to the Org-Unit Segment Membership tab.
3. Click on the organization unit that you want to delete, as highlighted in the image above.
If an order exists for the customer in the selected organization/unit AND the Segment Control checkbox is selected on the Organizational Unit Maintenance (APP003) screen, the Org-Unit Segment Membership cannot be deleted. If the Segment Control checkbox is NOT selected, the Org-Unit Segment Membership can be deleted, even if orders exist for the customer.
4. Click Delete.