CUS530 – Batch Address Validation Process

This batch process validates addresses entered in a specific table or CSV file and modifies them accordingly to meet the standard postal regulations associated with the Spectrum Address Validation interface configured in the back office. Please note that if the CUS530 process is not able to validate an address, the system will mark the address as BAD.

If an address is manually set to a status of "GOOD" by a staff person, CUS530 will NOT pick it up. Additionally, if an address is marked as “Make Deliverable”, CUS530 will only pick up the address if the Process Non Validated Address parameter set to "N".

The specified table or file the batch job runs against is based on the value a user selects for the Table or File Name parameter.


When you run the process, the following data changes occur:

·            The standard customer address in CUS_ADDRESS columns are updated.

·            The Validated_By value is updated in CUS_ADDRESS with a code for the 3rd Party software used to validate the addresses.

·            The Validated_Date value is updated in CUS_ADDRESS with the date you run the CUS530 job.

·            A new record in entered in CUS_ADDR_HISTORY.

·            Enters values for the Additional Information section of the CUS_VoterInfo screen (i.e., DPV Status, DPV CMRA, DPV Footnote, etc.)


Personify recommends running this process about once a week or monthly with the Process Non Validated Address parameter set to "Y", which will only run this process against the address records that do not already have a Validated_Date value. 

Because Spectrum licenses are used every time CUS530 is run, it is recommended that this process be run with the Process Non Validated Address parameter set to "N" once during the initial implementation of Personify360 and then only on an as-needed basis as determined by the organization. For example, congressional districts may change on a yearly basis and your organization may want to rerun CUS530 to update addresses based on this change.

Running this process may help your organization receive better rates from the postal service, since you will not be sending out as much undeliverable mail because your addresses will be much more accurate.


Under the Advanced Parameters tab, the Filter Criteria field can be used to reduce or expand the record selection based on the SQL statement entered. Standard filter rules apply here. These filters go against the table of CSV file specified for the batch job to run against.

Currently, this process only functions against the CUS_ADDRESS table.

There is not a set template for the CUS530 process. The beauty of the process is that as long as the applicable column names defined in the job parameters exist in the comma-separated values file, the process will complete address validation against it. The order of the column names in the file do not matter.


The applicable values for the Input Type of FILE are the following:

·            Name Column Name

·            Firm Column Name

·            Address Line 1 Column Name

·            Address Line 2 Column Name

·            Address Line 3 Column Name

·            Address Line 4 Column Name

·            City Column Name

·            State Column Name

·            Postal Code Column Name

·            Country Code Column Name

·            Country Column Name

·            County Column Name

·            Cong. District Column Name

·            Address Status Column Name

·            Carrier Route Column Name

·            Delivery Point Column Name

·            Error Code Column Name

·            RDI Column Name

·            DPV Status Code Column Name

·            DPV Status Code Column Name

·            DPV CRMA Code Column Name

·            FIPS County Number Column Name

·            US LOT Code Column Name

·            US LOT Sequence Column Name

·            US LOST Hex Column Name


All of the above values do not have to be present for the CUS530 to process the file. For example, to run the Vienna office address through address validation, you would only need to set parameters and provide the column names for the Address Line 1 Column Name, City Column Name, State Column Name, Postal Code Column Name, and Country Column Name.

For the CUS530 to work, the Spectrum/PBBI Address Validation integration must be setup correctly.






This field is used to enter in a subtitle that appears underneath the report heading.


Defaults to “Address Maintenance.”


Report for Modified Release

This determines if the report output lists only address records modified by the batch job or if it lists all address records reviewed by the batch job.

·       Y – The report lists only those address records modified by the batch job. It includes both the original address and the new address.

·       N – The report lists all address records reviewed by the batch job regardless of if the addresses were modified by the job or not. Those addresses that were modified are still accompanied by their original address.

Defaults to “Y.”


Select Report Outputs

This determines the type(s) of reports output, if any, you want the batch job to produce.

·       BOTH – The batch job produces both the Address Validation Report and Address Validation Exception Report.

·       ERR_RPT – The batch job only produces the Address Validation Exception Report

·       NONE – The batch job updates the address records were possible, but does not produce any reports.

·       VAL_RPT – The batch job only produces the Address Validation Report


Defaults to “BOTH.”


Input Type

This field is used to select what type of format the batch job pulls the address records from for processing.

·       TABLE – The batch job runs against a table specified by the user to validate the addresses in that table.

·       FILE – The batch jobs runs against a CSV file uploaded by the user to validate addresses in that file.

The FILE input type only generates a CSV file, and does not update your Personify360 database. Use the TABLE format to update the database.

Defaults to “TABLE.”


Output Type

This field is used to select what type of format the batch job updates the validated addresses to.

·       TABLE – The batch job updates a table specified by the user with the modified and validated addresses.

·       FILE – The batch jobs updates a CSV file uploaded by the user with the modified and validated addresses.


Defaults to the Input Type value.


Table or File Name

This determines the table or file the batch job runs against.


Defaults to “CUS_ADDRESS.”

Currently the CUS530 batch job only functions against the CUS_ADDRESS Table.


Process Non Validated Address

It determines if the batch job processes records that already have a Validated On value.

·       Y – The batch job only process those address records that do not have a Validated On value yet.

·       N – The batch job processes all address records in the input table/file.

Because Spectrum licenses are used every time CUS530 is run, it is recommended that this process be run with this parameter set to "N" once during the initial implementation of Personify360 and then only on an as-needed basis as determined by the organization. For example, congressional districts may change on a yearly basis and your organization may want to rerun CUS530 to update addresses based on this change.

Defaults to “Y.”


Key Column Names 1-3

These parameters only apply to the batch job if the Input Type = TABLE.




Mail-Name Column Name

This parameter only applies if the Input Type = CSV.


It is used to enter the name of the column in the CSV file that contains the address data to be processed by the batch job.


Firm Column Name

This parameter only applies if the Input Type = CSV.


It is used to enter the name of the column in the CSV file that contains the firm names to be processed by the batch job.


Address Lines 1-4 Column Name

These parameters are used to enter the column names of the table/file that the batch job uses to enter the associated Address Lines of the validated addresses.


Sample Input File

The following is a sample input file with a limited number of fields:


However, the following fields are available for us in the input file:

·            Label_Name

·            Firm_Name

·            Address_1

·            Address_2

·            Address_3

·            Address_4

·            City

·            State

·            Postal_Code

·            Country_Code

·            Country_Desc

·            County

·            Congressional_District

·            Postal_Carrier_Route

·            Postal_Delivery_Point

·            RDI

·            DPV_status_code

·            DPV_Footnote_code

·            DPV_NoStatCode

·            DPV_VACANT_FLAG

·            DPV_CMRA_CodeFIPS_County_Number

·            US_Lot_CodeUS_Lot_Sequence

·            US_Lot_HexLATITUDE

·            LONGITUDE

·            Address_Status

·            KeyColumn1

·            KeyColumn2

·            KeyColumn3

Make sure to include the headers in the input file so the process knows which columns contain what data.

Sample Report

·            Address Validation Report
Lists the addresses modified by the Spectrum software alongside their original addresses. Optionally, it can also include all addresses reviewed by the batch job but not modified.

The report separates the address lists of those address records validated and modified from those that were validated and not changed. It includes all the values entered for the address record based on the validation except for the Validated On and Validated By fields. The Validated On value is the date you ran the batch job and the Validated By value is the code for the Spectrum software that performed the validation (PBBI).

·            Address Validation Exception Report
Lists all addresses reviewed by the batch job but could not be validated as “Good” or modified by the Spectrum software. This report includes the error message as to why the Spectrum software could not validate or modify the address. Please note that as of 7.5.2, addresses having insufficient input data will added to the exception report. The report will show all the counts as zero as the record(s) with insufficient input data are not processed as validated.

The report also includes a suggestion for which column values of the address record to review in hopes of troubleshooting the error.