CUS520 – Address Swapping

The CUS520 batch process swaps addresses for customers who use seasonal addresses. This process makes the seasonal address primary based on the seasonal address begin date defined for that address or it resets the customer's previous primary address back to primary when the seasonal address end date has passed. Additionally, it will update any open orders that were using the previous primary address, so that the open orders are using the correct address. If orders are still open when the seasonal address end date has passed, the orders will be updated to use the customer's new primary address.

Overview of Process

As stated above, customers may have multiple addresses in the system. If any of those addresses are seasonal (i.e., only used by the customer for a certain period of time during the year), the address can be defined as a seasonal address. Teachers are a common example of customers with seasonal addresses, as they may have their mail delivered to their school address during the school year, but may specify their home address for mail delivery during their summer vacation.


The system identifies a customer's primary address as the address with the priority sequence of zero. The CUS520 process identifies seasonal addresses that have a status of "GOOD" that are due to take effect based on the seasonal address begin date and then it:

·            Increases the address priority sequence of all other addresses for the customer by adding 1

·            Sets the seasonal address priority sequence to zero, so that the seasonal address becomes the primary address

·            Updates open orders with the seasonal address ID if the order had used the customer's previous primary address ID

·            When the seasonal address end date has passed, the CUS520 process reverses the primary address by subtracting 1 from the priority sequence of all addresses of customers selected for processing

o           CUS520 also does the same thing with open orders (meeting registrations for meetings that are in the future, membership, or subscription orders that are current and INV product orders that haven't shipped)

Seasonal addresses can be defined to be recurring. If a seasonal address is defined as recurring, the system will process the seasonal address each year by selecting the address based on the month and day and current year defined for the seasonal address begin date and end date.

Because CUS520 only swaps the primary address for the seasonal address, you must manually set the seasonal address on orders in which a non-primary address is set as the bill-to and/or ship-to address.

When to Run

When to run this process really depends on the type of members you have and how often they are using seasonal addresses. In the above scenario regarding teachers, this process may need to be run twice a year-once for the beginning of the school year and once for the end so that it swaps the addresses. This is just one example, but it will really depend on your members and how often they use seasonal addresses, so it is important for your organization to understand what your member use cases are.


A few scenarios in which you may run CUS520 are:

·            Before running the Subscription Fulfillment process (SUB670)

·            Before running the Back Issue Fulfillment process (SUB671)

·            Before running the Back-order Processing process (INV635)

·            After running the Packing Slips and Pick List Generation process (INV620)

·            Before running the Customer Labels process (CUS500) which generates mailing labels

·            Before running the Batch Invoices process (ORD660)

·            Before running the Membership or Subscription renewal mailing processes (MBR655 & SUB655)

Defining Seasonal Addresses

To define a seasonal address, simply select the Address Type of "Seasonal". For more information, please see Adding a New Address to Constituent's Record in CRM360.

Selection Logic

CUS520 selects customers who have an address record in Cus_Address_Detail where Cus_Address_Detail.ADDRESS_STATUS_CODE='GOOD' and Cus_Address_Detail.


SEASONAL_START_DATE<=CUS520 "Effective Date" parameter and Cus_Address_Detail. SEASONAL_END_DATE>=CUS520 "Effective Date" parameter.






Enter the report subtitle.



The Organization ID for which the report will be run. This is a read-only parameter that defaults to the ORG_ID of the logged in user.

Read only

Organization Unit

The Organization Unit ID for which the report will be run. This is a read-only parameter that defaults to the ORG_UNIT_ID of the logged in user.

Read only

Run Mode

Enter EDIT or PROD. EDIT mode will not update the database, but will generate the reports. PROD mode will update the database along generating the reports.


When run in PROD mode, the process updates Cus_Address_Detail.PRIORITY_SEQ for all addresses for customers with seasonal addresses selected by the process.


The process also updates Order_Master.BILL_ADDRESS_ID, Order_Master.BILL_ADDRESS_TYPE_CODE, Order_Master. SHIP_ADDRESS_ID, Order_Master.SHIP_ADDRESS_TYPE_CODE, Order_Detail.SHIP_ADDRESS_ID and Order_Detail.SHIP_ADDRESS_TYPE_CODE for all orders and/or order lines using the customer's address that is primary or seasonal address. There is a known issue that is pending resolution because CUS520 is not setting Order_Master.MODOPER and Order_Detail.MODOPER to CUS520 when address fields on Order_Master and Order_Detail are updated.


Effective Date

Enter the date to use for swapping addresses. Date entered is compared with the begin and end dates of seasonal addresses.


Additional SQL Selection

Enter additional SQL selection values by entering a table name, field name, oper and selection value. You can filter on any field in Cus_Address or Cus_Address_Detail. For example: you would add CUS_ADDRESS_DETAIL.MASTER_CUSTOMER_ID = '000000098012' to select only this customer.


Sample Report

The reports generated by CUS520 are:

·            CUS520 Report: lists each customer with a seasonal address that either took effect or expired based on the specified effective date, along with a list of each order that had either the bill-to address or the ship-to address updated.

·            CUS520 Error Report: lists customers where the address that was to be set as the primary address has an address status of "BAD". If there are any errors associated when the CUS520 process is run, the errors will be listed, using the same format as the CUS520 report format, as shown below.