Disabling View Rights to Credit Card Information

By default, all user groups can view credit card information available on a Personify360 screen. You can, however, take away these rights for specific user groups, masking just the credit card information from a specific screen.

To disable view rights to credit card information:

1.    From the toolbar, select Security > User and Group Setup > Application Security Setup.

2.    Search and select an application screen.
For example, the Receipt Entry (FAR002) screen.
A list of every security group displays on the Application Security Setup screen.

3.    Click the + next to the appropriate security group to expand it.

4.    Double-click the permission code to grant access for this application to this security group.
The red X changes to a green checkmark.
For example, in the graphic above, the Facility Manager role has permission to update and view the Receipt Entry screen, but the Facility Sales role does not have permission to use or view the screen.

5.    Click Save.

To stay compliant with PA-DSS standards, a maximum of 10 digits of the credit card number (the first 6 and last 4) can display on all screens.